Learn Avidly. Question Repeatedly. Put what you have learnt into Practice Intelligently.
Telephone Techniques, HIV-AIDS Management in the Workplace, Interviewing Skills, Labour Relations made easy, Business Process Management, Presentation Skills for Managers, Small Business Management, Introduction to Personnel Management, Business Etiquette, Conflict Management, Effective Presentations, Managing Employee Conduct, Coaching. Managing Mentoring, Negotiation Skills , Performance Management Fundamentals, Teambuilding, Leadership, Professional Skills for Secretaries, Business English & Writing Skills , Minutes & Meetings, Reception Skills , Train the Trainer, Project Management Foundation, Effective Presentations - Includes MS PowerPoint
Simple Accounting, Basic Fundamentals of Bookkeeping, Basic Project Management, Smoking at work, Alcohol and Drug Counseling , Anger Management, Self-Management, Business Administration Management MBA, Negotiation Skills, Performance Management Fundamentals, Conflict Management, Assertiveness Skills, Critical Thinking, Coaching. Managing Mentoring, Problem Solving and Decision Making Techniques, Stress Management, Time Management , Defusing Hostile Clients, Customer Service training, telephone skills
Sales Management, Advanced Project Management, human resources for secretarials, professional skills for executive secretaries, financial secretarial course, secretarial masters of business administration course, receptionist training workshop, marketing assistant course, training, courses, workshops, soft skills development, black empowerment, soft skills training, business writing course, minute taking course, tea lady course, cleaning lady course, domestic worker training